"The Goal of University Education - N Choose 1 Diverse Special Courses" Handcrafting Glass Beads from the Paiwan Tribe: Passing on the Delight of Indigenous Culture.

【Translator: Zhi-Yu Yang】

【Text and photos provided: Wang Yao-Xuan, President of the Aboriginal Club, and Li Yu-Qi, Researcher at CTLD.】

【Promotion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) series】

quality education Reduced Inequalities

2023-10-30 Diversity and inclusion are important issues in countries around the world today. Issues related to diverse ethnic groups are closely related to our daily lives. To promote mutual understanding and inclusion among different cultures and ethnic groups, the Indigenous Students Resource Center and The Center for Teaching and Learning Development (CTLD) at the National University of Kaohsiung jointly organized the ' The Goal of University Education - N Choose 1 Diverse Special Courses' on the 17th. This event aims to increase the awareness of first-year students about indigenous life and indigenous culture and to implement the goal of creating an indigenous-friendly campus and promoting indigenous education for all.

NUK Indigenous Students Resource Center had five student leaders take turns sharing on stage. The content covered the following aspects: "Introduction to the Functions and Positioning of the Indigenous Students Resource Center," "Resources Available for Indigenous Students on Campus," "What We've Learned from Participating in Various Activities Organized by the Indigenous Students Resource Center and Indigenous Student Society," and "Introduction to Indigenous Language Courses."

Guided by the Aboriginal Club's advisor, Ms. Wu Shu-Chen, and with contributions from the club's executive members, including Lu Ching-Sheng, Wang Yao-Hsuan, Wu Yu-Wei, Jin Ning, and Li Hsin-Jou, the experiences shared were aimed at making the content more relatable to the new students while maintaining a strong focus on exploring Indigenous issues.

During the course, the Indigenous Students Resource Center not only provided insights from senior students but also used a significant material from the Paiwan culture, the "Glass bead," for a hands-on craft experience. This allowed students to create Indigenous-style accessories and introduced them to Indigenous culture. The hope is that more students will be motivated to engage with and understand Indigenous culture in the future. This ensures that "Indigenization for All" (a program in Taiwan that promotes the education and awareness of indigenous peoples among the entire population) becomes more than just a slogan but a tangible reality on our campus. It promotes a collective understanding, respect, and appreciation of diverse cultures, continually emphasizes the value of diversity and inclusion, and fosters cultural integration to create a better future.


#SDG4 #SDG10