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The Center for Vietnamese Studies at NUK and NCKU have jointly organized the "2024 Spring iVPT International Vietnamese Proficiency Test."


【Translator: Zhi-Yu Yang】

【Text and photos provided by Director of the Vietnam Research Center, Ms. Lan Chen.

【Promotion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) series】

Quality Education Partnership For The Goals

2024-05-13 The "iVPT International Vietnamese Proficiency Test" aims to provide professional Vietnamese language certification to meet the needs of today's diverse society. With the continuous acceleration of globalization, the demand for multilingual capabilities across various industries is increasing daily. In this context, learning and mastering Vietnamese has become a pursuit for many people. The introduction of the iVPT International Vietnamese Proficiency Test provides learners with a platform to showcase their language skills. It offers a professional solution to the demand for Vietnamese language talents in various fields.

The "iVPT International Vietnamese Proficiency Test" is divided into three stages and six levels: A1 (Beginner), A2 (Elementary), B1 (Intermediate), B2 (Upper Intermediate), C1 (Advanced), and C2 (Professional). The test is open to people of all nationalities, races, ethnicities, and ages. The subjects for the elementary level include listening and reading, while the intermediate and advanced levels include listening, reading, writing, and speaking tests. The importance of the Vietnamese language proficiency certificate is self-evident. It is a personal learning achievement and a guarantee for future career development. Whether for business communication, cultural exchange, or academic research, professionals with Vietnamese language skills can stand out internationally.

The 2024 Spring iVPT International Vietnamese Proficiency Test took place today, May 4, at National Taiwan University(NTU) in the Northern District, National Cheng Kung University(NCKU), and National University of Kaohsiung(NUK) in the Southern District. This certification has garnered widespread attention and active participation from many candidates. Candidates have expressed that the iVPT International Vietnamese Proficiency Test is highly discerning and thoroughly evaluates their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This has given them a clearer understanding of their language abilities and increased their confidence. Some candidates mentioned that obtaining this certification will significantly benefit their future job prospects and academic pursuits.

As a key country in Southeast Asia, Vietnam has close economic and cultural exchanges with Taiwan. Candidates proficient in Vietnamese will be better integrated into these cross-cultural exchanges, promoting cooperation and development between the two countries. Therefore, the Center for Vietnamese Studies at NUK and the Center for Vietnamese Studies at NCKU hope to cooperate more closely. They aim to promote the education and learning of the Vietnamese language and invite more candidates interested in the Vietnamese language and culture to participate actively in the iVPT International Vietnamese Proficiency Test.


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